If you look around you, you will see the mainstream of society, and they just seem to move through life and ENJOY WALLOWING in MATERIALITY / PHYSICALITY, these people don’t seem to suffer as much.
There seems to be two classes of people the reptilians like to go after, EXTREMELY WEAK ONES (those they haul off and experiment on) and those who have POTENTIAL STRENGTH and POSITIVITY. To give you an example, the people they DON’T ATTACK are those who they ALREADY HAVE and they don’t have to work on them.
But if you have the POTENTIAL TO RISE ABOVE THE SERVICE TO SELF (STS) orientation, THEN you are a threat.
And, if you look around at most of the people who are so-called, “making it” in this world, those are the ones that are usually the MOST VICIOUSLY SERVICE TO SELF.

~ Peace and Liberation

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